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The Best of 2019 Marketing Hacks

Janet Williams

“The king is dead, long live the king!” While 2018 might be done and dusted, 2019 is fresh and laden with opportunities, ready for the taking. And for the new year, it is not only important to develop amazing products but also markets them the right way. Read on to find out some of the […]

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Applications of Web Scraping in Marketing – PromptCloud

Janet Williams

Marketing is all about getting your clients or customers interested in the product that you are selling or the services that you are offering. We can do marketing in various ways, such as advertisements in the print media, or marketing campaigns to promote your product while connecting to the target customer base. Rather than spending […]

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The Many Ways Web Scraping can Help Affiliate Marketers

Janet Williams

Marketing is a growing and evolving sector that has had its own share of overhauling due to the rise of technology. But would you believe it if I said that affiliate marketing has been there for a long time? Well, what is affiliate marketing?  Say you want to sell a car, and you say that […]

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Is Web Scraping better than a Data API?

Janet Williams
Web Scraping better than a Data API

In the age of big data, data extraction is vital for all businesses. Data harvesting can give companies many advantages and, most importantly, it will get the business to a highly competitive place. By conducting market research via data harvesting, the business gets access to up-to-date information regarding the industry, or any related topic. By […]

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Web Scraping to Enforce Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) – PromptCloud

minimum advertised price

In the age of brick and mortar retail stores, MAP or Minimum Advertised Price used to to be a safeguard for manufacturers. Let me explain with an example. Suppose you are a manufacturer of pumps. Your cost to manufacture each pump is around 20 USD. You sell them to a retailer at $30 each. He, […]

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Scrape Amazon Product Reviews and Pricing Data Using Python

Janet Williams

Sun Tzu said in The Art of War, “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” This holds true for almost every business, especially the e-commerce business. You may you have the right idea, the right people, the right USP, the right products, and the […]

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Lesser Known but Effective Web Scraping Technology

Janet Williams

Ever wondered how we started storing and maintaining data? Flash drives became popular only around the early 2000s years. Yet the big data analytics market is set to reach $103 billion by 2023!  Web crawling and scraping technologies are finding increasing relevance as we continue to generate megabytes of data in seconds. The most popular uses […]

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Amazon’s Intelligent Recommendation Encourages Impulse Buys

Janet Williams
amazon intelligent recommendation algorithms

From selling books from a garage, under the initial name of Cadabra in 1994, to becoming a global internet giant, Amazon has come a long way. No wonder web scraping Amazon is becoming the go-to practice for almost every eCommerce business today. With 1,000,000,000 gigabytes of data, amazon web crawler makes more sense than crawling […]

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What are the main Applications of Text Data Mining and Analysis?

Janet Williams
applications of text mining

With the rise of big data, companies have been bombarded with more and more organizational data, mostly in the form of text. The best way to handle this data stream is text mining or textual analytics. Text analytics is mainly the processing of a gigantic collection of textual information to find connections that are not […]

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Machine Learning and Web Scraping | PromptCloud’s Guide

Janet Williams

In case you have been reading the news lately, you might have gone bonkers over the latest inventions in machine learning, such as the intelligent smartphones in the market as well as the self-driving cars, that are about to hit the streets any year now and keep the roads accident free; let me tell you […]

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