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Amazon’s New Data Server: What it can mean for You

Janet Williams

Undoubtedly, Amazon is one of the honchos of cloud computing service and Amazon web service, which brands Amazon’s data server, has already become a coveted name in this particular niche. AWS is surely leading this market segment to evolve and amplify its capabilities and also making it combat ready for the future demands and problems. […]

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Taking Online Ad Frauds out of Business

Janet Williams

Today’s digital media marketing has evolved significantly. No longer are contacts and business leads generated only through email or phone call. A prevalent type of inbound marketing has seen businesses on web attract traffic to their site to win business. Digital marketing campaigns include blogs, and other helpful social content that not only aids a […]

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Web crawling in web 2.0 era: a Spider’s view

Janet Williams

What is Web 2.0? With Web 2.0, the hot word is ‘user-generated web content’ or ‘user-centric web content’ but for the web crawlers, it was like a world of unknown web contents. Currently, we are living in such a time where technology is maturing faster than the gyrations of time. Factually, we are now pretty accustomed […]

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The Big Data Story 2015

Janet Williams

Every Data has a story to tell. Some convey it in the form of words, some in the form of images or some even in numbers. Almost 2/3rd of this data is created by individual internet users and customers, yet the corporate world and enterprises hold liability or accountability for 85% of this data. Reason […]

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IT Strategy and Big Data Management

Janet Williams

With the massive digitization that we are witnessing around the planet, businesses now have a lot more to account for when it comes to formulating strategies. Newer technologies and techniques are enabling enterprises to grow by leaps and bounds. Big Data is one of the biggest technological advances in this decade, leading industries to uncharted […]

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SAAS Pricing: Getting it Right!

Janet Williams

The right pricing strategy and a profitable business go hand in hand. Thus, getting your pricing strategy right is a crucial aspect of getting your revenues streamlined. With the service industry growing across the globe, a lot of service based enterprises have cropped up across the map. These service based enterprises have created their mark […]

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The Future of Big Data Processing : Edge Computing

Janet Williams

Big Data is making it hard for the Cloud Servers Big data is snowballing and with every passing day, cloud storages across the planet and other alike services, generally branded as ‘cloud as a service’(Caas) or Infrastructure as a service(Iaas) are getting burdened with colossal amounts of complex data processing requests. Now, supporting this fact, […]

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When is the Right Time to Start Web Crawling?

Janet Williams

Growth and competition are two key factors that can boost or stall a company from achieving success. The rate at which the corporate world has grown shows tremendous potential to absorb a new venture and let it thrive. Say you had a great business idea to start an online service or a new technologically advanced […]

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Data Cleansing and Decision Making Quality

Janet Williams

What is data Cleansing? Simply, it cleans the data. It looks for corrupted data records and hunts them down. We can apply this whole data cleansing process on a set of data records, data tables, or on an entire database. At times, after a full process of web scraping or data harnessing, you can end […]

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Generating More Leads with Appealing Company Page Updates on LinkedIn

Janet Williams

LinkedIn surfaced on the world wide web on 19th May 2011. Since then, within their short journey of 5 years, it turned 332 million heads towards it. Now, with every passing second 2 new users sign up with LinkedIn and every single day, 25 million profiles are actively viewed on it. These are just stats, but […]

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