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How Do APIs Work?

Jimna Jayan
Jimna Jayan

API, short for Application Programming Interface, is a software intermediary (think of it as a human translator) that allows two applications to talk to each other. Image someone who speaks only French needs to talk to someone who can converse only in Japanese. They would require someone who knows both languages to work as an […]

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Identifying Influencers Using Social Media Crawling

Pavan Jakka
Pavan Jakka

Advertising pre-social media slides towards the more creative side of the industry and the Advertiser decides what kind of content attracts the potential target audience for the brand. The advertiser here is generally the senior person in the company with the most years of experience credited to their name. Not to undermine their experience, but […]

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Leapfrogging With Structured Data

Pavan Jakka
Pavan Jakka

Going back a few years, when some of the media and investors are quizzing Mr. Mukesh Ambani, why was an oil company like RIL (Reliance Industries) spending 10’s of billions of dollars on a telecom network? Mr. Ambani replied, “Data is the new oil.” While the commodification of data in Jio’s context is different from […]

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How is Big Data Revolutionizing The Digital News Industry?


Digital data is what digital data does. No, really. If it were to manifest itself in more tangible forms, we’d actually be in for a pretty rude shock. It is absolutely destroyed and rebuilding itself every day. Literally. Hyper-acceleration is the only word that can somewhat describe the pace at which our digital world is […]

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Cryptocurrencies – New World Order?

Pavan Jakka
Pavan Jakka

Cryptocurrency – A New World Order? This is the opening statement in the abstract written by Satoshi Nakumoto, who wrote a paper on Bitcoin released right after the world went through a financial crisis that resembles the great depression of the 1930s. The financial institutions and big banks that are too centralized misused their “too […]

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Social Media Analytics for Cryptocurrencies

Jimna Jayan
Jimna Jayan
cryptocurrency social media analytics

The safe and fully secure peer-to-peer network provided by Blockchain has been visible mainly through the growth of cryptocurrencies across the years. Cryptocurrency is a fully encrypted, digitally generated, and stored, decentralized currency, which uses blockchain technology to secure transaction data. The main reason behind the growth of cryptocurrencies is public trust. It also gathered […]

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All You Need to Know About Text Mining

Jimna Jayan
Jimna Jayan

Text mining is a fairly new playground for those who have been recently initiated into the world of automation and data scraping. Text Mining is one of the most important ways of drawing insights from and processing unstructured data: which, in essence, is over 80% of the data available. Even though we live in a […]

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COVID-19 Google Trends Analysis – PromptCloud’s New Study

Jimna Jayan
Jimna Jayan

Of everything going on, we took an interest in what people are most searching for on the google search engine while the coronavirus outbreak. We would agree that COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, has changed many lives drastically in some cases. Having to take responsibility for keeping yourself and the ones close safe and healthy, […]

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Is Your Organization Suffering From Data Fatigue?

Jimna Jayan
Jimna Jayan
data fatigue

In the world of finance, investment managers are always on the lookout for new sources of information which will provide a previously untapped source for creating Alpha. These very data sources are called Alternative Data or data fatigue. Data because, well, information. Alternative because they are above and beyond the typical company data sets. At […]

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What is Big Data – What’s So Big About It?

big data for the enterprise

Everyone has been hearing enough about big data these days, so much to consume all the space on social media, articles, blogs (including this one) and to keep technical writers engaged. So here are some thoughts to justify all the hype. What Is Big Data? What exactly does it mean? Well, there’s no definition of […]

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