How to Scrape Data in 5 Easy Steps
How often do you need to scrape data from a website for your work and it seems like too much of a pain? This blog post will teach you how to scrape data in 5 easy steps. This post is written for software professionals who need to extract data from web pages or PDFs and […]
Read MoreArtificial Intelligence Fostering Workplace Stability
Artificial Intelligence is fast-growing and it has started to help and foster the working conditions of the people at workplaces and in different industries. AI will surely help increase the productivity of people at work. AI is fast-changing and we humans are enabling it to further enhance its capabilities in the world. The ever-changing module […]
Read MoreHow Web Scraping can help in Marketing Analytics
Introduction Marketers use various strategies to gather knowledge and analyze marketing tactics to understand the performance and subsequent success or failure of their ventures. Market analytics allow more efficiency and negate wastes of both time and money. Market Analytics guarantees customer satisfaction. Let us now have a look at how web scraping helps marketing analytics. […]
Read MoreData Crawling – Evolution and Its Uses
The first web crawler was made by Brian Pinkerton from the University of Washington. It was created and launched on 24th April 1994. The crawler was first designed to extract data from different websites and relay that data back into a search engine. It was also designed to visit and learn about new applications and […]
Read MoreReal Estate Web Data and It’s Uses
Real Estate Web Data has always been a blend of intuition and common sense. Both buyers and investors are always on the lookout for the best property off which to make the most profit. But being slow in your approach would mean losing out to your competitors, which is where web scraping real estate data […]
Read MoreEssential Data Science Projects for Every E-commerce Company
Since the early twenties, the eCommerce industry has boomed riding on the growth of internet services. However, the growth fueled by web penetration may not help companies stay astride of their competition for much longer. The biggest reason behind this is that there are too many full-scale online retailers as well as marketplaces competing for […]
Read MoreCritical Components of a Robust Web Scraping Infrastructure
Building a powerful and scalable web scraping infrastructure requires a sophisticated system and meticulous planning. First, you need to get a team of experienced developers, then you need to set up the infrastructure. Finally, you need a rigorous round of testing before you are good to start data extraction. However one of the most difficult […]
Read MoreCustomer is Never the King
This isn’t going to be another customer vs employee topic. That is a completely different discussion that merits its own page! In fact, in this article, I’m not even going to be talking about employees. It will be a customer-centric article that outline why your customer should never be treated like a king! At PromptCloud, […]
Read MoreCustomer Spotlight with Treebo – Budget Hotels in India
The travel industry and Budget Hotels have been booming for the past few years and millennials are increasingly driving this trend. If there’s one tell-tale sign of a millennial, it’s their love for budget-friendly travel. With the rise of a population that wants to travel without burning a hole in their pockets, companies that cater […]
Read MorePromptcloud’s List of The best Data Mining Tools
Web Data Mining Web Mining is the process of extracting data points from web pages to transform them into valuable information using data analysis and visualization tools. The main usage of data mining is extracting raw data from the internet along with web usage patterns via web scraping. In this blog, we will discuss the […]
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