Big Data & Data Analytics Outlook in 2015
Big Data has been a rage amongst large organisations for the last few years. The primary objective of Big Data analytics is to facilitate companies in making informed business decisions by capturing, curating, managing and processing huge amounts of data. Essentially, big data helps organizations discover hidden patterns, market trends, unknown correlations, customer preferences and […]
Read MoreBig Data Infrastructure: Preparing for a data-driven future
As 2014 draws to a close, it is evident that there has been no let-up in the scorching pace of growth seen in the Big Data space. The Big Data market is estimated to grow to about $45 billion by 2016 at a CAGR of 35%; according to some estimates, this segment is growing at […]
Read MoreSentiment Analysis: Why Twitter Is A Buzzing Goldmine for Marketers?
Sentiment analysis has become a buzzword lately as social networks are bustling with consumer chatter. Sentiment analysis, also known as opinion mining, is the application of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques and text analytics for identifying patterns and extracting insights from consumer data. It is widely used by brands to gauge the reactions of their […]
Read MoreData Crawling Ethics and Best Practices
The shifting boundary between ethical and unethical practices in data scraping and crawling is a sensitive issue. Deciding what is Data Crawling ethics is quite subjective and debatable. Seeking ethical approval for crawling data could be a legal requirement in certain cases. For instance, web users are unable to notice crawlers and other programs that […]
Read MoreIBM –Watson Analytics: Human-Machine War Synthesis
Cosmologist Stephen Hawking recently raised his concerns over the end of the human race with the development of full artificial intelligence (A.I.) could spell the end of the human race. Asimov’s Three Laws of Robotics, on the contrary, are fictional robotic constraints to prevent A.I. robots from harming humans. The operative word being ‘fictional’. Fiction […]
Read MoreWeb Crawling Applications in eCommerce Industry
With millions of products, the associated content, such as pricing information, product descriptions, images and reviews, can easily go into hundreds of millions for some of the largest eCommerce players. Though most sites predominantly use their own data, competitor and product data are obtained by crawling sites of the product sellers or suppliers. Web crawling […]
Read MoreHow Horizontal Market Focus Affects Business Outcome
The Wikipedia definition of a horizontal market is one that “meets a common need of a wide range of industries. In contrast, a vertical market meets several needs within a single industry.” Usually, the good or service produced by a company having a horizontal market focus enjoys wide applicability and a good demand. Thus, the […]
Read MoreEvolution of Web Crawling as a Market Segment
Web crawling as a market segment has come a long way from being an emerging technology to become an integral part of many businesses. The first crawlers were developed for a much smaller web (about 100,000 web pages), but today some of the popular sites alone have millions of pages. The evolution of web crawling […]
Read MoreWhy the IBM Twitter Deal Matters
Today, the importance of the colossal volumes of social media data being created every minute is a well-recognized fact. The potential of the applications of big data is increasingly being tapped to the benefit of the companies and the consumers alike. Close on the heels of the IBM-Apple partnership, IBM, one of the oldest and […]
Read MoreReviewing Big data, Analytics & Data Crawling in 2014
How was 2014 for Big Data, Analytics and Crawling? In 2014, Big data, analytics and data crawling were at once hailed as “the future” of industry and admonished as a “bubble waiting to explode”. 2014 was the first year when enterprises became serious about big data. Enterprises asked questions on how to begin with Big […]
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