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“The king is dead, long live the king!” While 2018 might be done and dusted, 2019 is fresh and laden with opportunities, ready for the taking. And for the new year, it is not only important to develop amazing products but also markets them the right way. Read on to find out some of the marketing hacks that you must try in 2019.

Organic Leads

Organic leads are very important since they lower the cost of customer acquisition over time and prove to be vital for brand building in the long term. Hence, having the top searched keywords related to your business in your website content can prove to be a decisive factor for ranking.

No matter how much you spend on Google advertisements unless you appear on the first page of search results, you are going to have a hard time reaching out to people. How to do that? Check out the below marketing hacks:

  • Update the buyer persona for your solution based on existing customer data from CRM app, LinkedIn, Google Analytics, Invoicing app (revenue estimation), etc. Look at the conversation your sales and support team had with the leads and customers.
  • The next step would be to build landing pages, produce content pieces such as blogs, videos, presentations, and more. But, before that, you need to find out the keywords that your potential customers are searching for. So, start with a list of topics associated with your business and figure out the probable search terms. Use tools such as Google AdWords Keyword Planner and Google Search’s related search term functionality to narrow down the list.
  • You can also leverage the auto-suggest tools offered by Google and other search engines to further refine the keywords. Play with this amazing tool called ANSWER THE PUBLIC to figure out search terms’ questions, prepositions, and comparisons in an automated manner for solid content.
  • Also, you need to leverage long-tail and LSI (Latent Semantic Indexing) keywords. Use a tool like LSI Graph for this purpose. Note that LSI keywords are crucial for SEO since they are semantically related to the main keyword and can do wonders for search ranking.

Hence, your keyword strategy should have a mix of primary keywords and a list of niche, long-tail, LSI keywords. Now, you can start producing content with the right on-page optimization techniques to show up as top results when potential customers search for the solutions that you offer. This will bring more people to your website.

The real hack is here is quality content which has become all the more essential to succeed in today’s SEO race. As search engines have become smarter with the help of AI and machine learning techniques, there is no substitute for quality content.


Facebook is not new; however, marketing on Facebook changed in 2019. Relying on Facebook advertisements alone might not be the best leverage anymore. There are easier and simpler ways to build a loyal customer base and encourage customer interaction. Facebook has mentioned that it will promote Facebook groups with higher group contributions. Thus, creating interactive groups on Facebook, where people can know more about your brand, ask questions, and participate in discussions can give you more visibility on this popular social media platform.

This year you must use Facebook Live Videos since they are far ahead in terms of engagement. According to Hootsuite they get six times more interactions than regular Facebook videos and have received more than 150 billion responses from fans.


LinkedIn has become the Facebook for professionals who prefer a no-nonsense feed. If your target audience is working professionals, B2B clients, or, operating in the HR space, this is the social platform that you should hit.

The strategy here should be altogether different though. You need to create engaging posts that people will like and share. You can even partner with well-known LinkedIn figures to promote your brand so that you receive a very high level of visibility.

  • Marketing hack 1

With the roll-out of native video on LinkedIn, they have been pushing this content type. This can further push engagement in comparison to another content type.

  • Marketing hack 2

Use a tool like Linked helper to automate the majority of the tasks like connection requests, bulk-messaging, LinkedIn profiles export, auto-endorsing, and group inviting.

Giveaways or Contests

Most companies organize giveaways or contests through popular social media platforms, or by partnering with eCommerce giants or complementary service providers. These contests are generally held randomly when sales are slow. Instead, they should be aligned to something majors, such as a festival, event, or product launch. This will help people take more interest in the offering and hence, improve customer reach.

Big Announcements

If you are a company trying to make some noise and disrupt business by taking a major portion of the client-base in your niche, you must ensure every customer knows about it and the benefits. Also, see if this fits the bill for PR coverage. This Quora answer mentions some useful tools such as #JournoRequest on Twitter, SourceBottle, and HARO.

This applies to all companies. Introducing a new line of products? Fill social media with posts! Pushed a new feature for your software? Send newsletters to everyone who has subscribed! There is no better way to make people aware of how hard you are trying to please them with your product than making a din at every milestone crossed.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility has brought even smaller companies to the forefront of corporate discussions and helped them get funding from major venture capitalists. What happens more today is instead of traditional CSR activities, companies try to solve a problem they can relate to, and which is close to the people.

For example, a chemical manufacturing company can try to figure out a solution to filtering wastewater for their city. This will not just be a big deal for the city itself, but the company would be getting national or even international recognition for giving back to its “roots”.


There is a very high probability that there are some services or products that are complementary to what you are offering, .i.e., the solutions when used in conjunction with your offering, the combined result becomes more valuable to your customers. That’s where co-marketing comes into the picture.

One common example can be piggybacking on solutions that already have a substantial customer; so, if you are a SaaS app, would it make sense for you to provide integration with other popular apps like Slack or Google Drive? Or perhaps your customers can use Zapier integration to build processes for data flow. If you can build partnerships with other players to hook customers, increase visibility, and leverage the existing user base of your partner, it can give a significant boost in terms of user acquisition.

Reuse and Recycle Content

Did your last Facebook post receive a lot of likes? Reuse the article in your blog post by changing some parts of it. In the time of SEO and Organic leads, content is king, and web-scraping will help you make the best of the opportunities that arise. Find the best content on the internet regularly and try to come up with something similar, or write comparison articles, or review articles to keep pulling more users through the organic feed.

Have the Best User Experience

Something I cannot stress enough is this point. Keep things minimalistic. Do not fill your banners with colors or images. Focus on the important things and make sure that the user can find what he wants on your sites. Don’t send him a ton of links in the monthly newsletter. Try to use an intelligent content aggregation engine and use high-quality links that he might click on.

When you are using a digital marketing platform, it is easy to rely on the quantity and believe that the more you spend, the more customers will turn up. That is not true. Instead, if more customers are happy with the experience, they will, in turn, tell more people and bring in new customers for you, free of cost!

Have Referral Programs

Can you have a thousand member marketing team? No? Well, though it sounds incredible, it is pretty simple to implement. Having a well-thought-out and elaborate referral program can convert each of your loyal customers into members of your marketing team who will try to convert their friends and relatives into your customers, to get that extra benefit you offer.

One tried and tested way is a double loop rewards program in which both the referrer and referee get benefits. While the product is important, so is the marketing, and more importantly smart marketing. How you use data to your advantage in the twenty-first century and market your products can decide the growth curve of your business.



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