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Indian vs Global Customer
Trends to watch out for in
B2C Sector
28 July 2022 7:30 PM IST | Online
It is difficult to keep up with consumer behavior and demand since no two shoppers show the same patterns while shopping! We call it a nonlinear shopping trend. Today, we are about 4.9 Billion people using the internet and at least a billion people shop online daily. We see a rise in omnichannel buyers portraying intuitive and spontaneous shopping moments throughout the day.
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In this webinar, we will discuss where India stands from
global standpoint and its online share in the retail domain
from 2019 to 2024. We will also take you through retail trends
of the top 10 players, segregated by country. Here’s an
opportunity for you to join this session with Pavan Jakka –
Sales Manager and Sukesh Chande – Head of Sales,
as they share how e-commerce analysis can add
value to you.
global standpoint and its online share in the retail domain
from 2019 to 2024. We will also take you through retail trends
of the top 10 players, segregated by country. Here’s an
opportunity for you to join this session with Pavan Jakka –
Sales Manager and Sukesh Chande – Head of Sales,
as they share how e-commerce analysis can add
value to you.
Key Takeaways
sales trends
share of retail
behavioral shifts
and Research data points
Attend this webinar to learn more about the future of eCommerce with our data experts. Get an exclusive time for a Q&A session with our speakers on current market trends like data-driven insights. We only have limited slots available and we urge you to block your seat now!
About Our Speakers
Sukesh Chande our Sales Head, has tremendous experience in building SaaS products and finding more use-cases for holistic product growth, by interacting with clients.
Pavan Jakka our Sales Manager, working hand in hand with the internal stakeholders, has immense industry experience and expertise in prospecting leads for finding new opportunities.